Feb 21, 2011

Sigma Corp. Walk 2011

:-] Anyone with the link, tell them i'm looking for them

...So the morning started out ok, then this happened:

Yea.. Moving right along....

Dude in the black shirt won.. i think from NCB (Runners)

H. B., red hat - from RJR won.. yeaa (Walkers)
Merrick C.
Free Red Bull, +1 (www.redbullcaribbean.com)
I will walk, not run... nor take a taxi
Neil W.

There was about 15-20 mins of this....

So, by the time we walked from the starting line to Emancipation Park, "there's the under 16 winner..." (Olympics? yea)
?_? .......lol, lol, poor thing (other than his pride, he'll be ok)
Bruce James (MVP Track)
Cant remember what was happening at this point.. dont worry bout it tho

There werent as many lost/ stolen kids as i thought... only 1 or 2.... parents.
JMD $15,200,000 + change, raised for the Victoria Jubilee Hospital


Don G said...


Debby said...

Thanks Gio, your blog makes me feel like I was there.